Tag Archives: Evi

Looks like word is spreading

I hope so.


This guy’s a conman. Don’t do business with him, or with Evi. They have stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from investors, moving from country to country in Southeast Asia. They’re in Cambodia now, in Kampong Cham.

Greg and Evi have a new business!

To use to defraud people, undoubtedly.


It looks like Greg’s keeping his name off it, perhaps because his scams are starting to catch up with him. I wouldn’t bet that they actually have the rights to do much of anything that they claim they can on the site.

This guy’s a conman. Don’t do business with him, or with Evi. They have stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from investors, moving from country to country in Southeast Asia. They’re in Cambodia now, in Kampong Cham, pretending to run a security or property rental service. They’ve already ripped off business partners there. Don’t become one of them.

If he really likes you, he’ll tell you he changed his name because of his SAS background, and his real name is “Caulfield”

Here’s Greg using a variety of different names to harass me through a professional website:

Name * Allan Caufield
Email * planbcambodia@gmail.com
Message *
Do you realise i still have all of the pictures you sent me. All the emails…. every confession and revelation.

I dont publish them only out of compassion.

You are wrong about me .. but I doubt you will ever understand that …

10/10 (bringing out his fake degrees)
Name * Gregory Blake bsc(hons)MFA pHd
Email * planbcambodia@gmail.com
Message *
Regardless of all that I miss you. Sweet , beautiful naive thing …
10/26 (the time he forgot how to spell his own name while threatening a friend of mine)
Name * Greg Bake
Email * planbcambodia@gmail.com
Message *
God I miss you so much. Have sent a freind of mine to talk to bryces family. X

Name * Gregory Blake bsc (hons) MFA pHD
Email * planbcambodia@gmail.com
Message *

It is incredible that someone who maintains they are so smart could start a war that would only harm them and those they care about..

You are wrong about all this.

Do you have to create a situation where truth is disgarded and “collateral damage” is assured.

Name * Allan Caufield
Email * planbcambodia@gmail.com
Message *
I miss you. That is all.


Wading online

Hey, you can see lots more of Greg and Evi online:


How lucky for all of us! Ha ha. Anyway, hey, now there are more outlets for the lies they’re selling. Again, all I’m counseling is caution. Well, extreme caution. Actually, I’d counsel total avoidance, but I know people like to figure things out for themselves, so all I want to urge y’all is to figure hard, think hard, don’t settle for anything without proof and just don’t trust a word either of them say. You can hide a lot of truly horrible things by mixing in some good.