If he really likes you, he’ll tell you he changed his name because of his SAS background, and his real name is “Caulfield”

Here’s Greg using a variety of different names to harass me through a professional website:

Name * Allan Caufield
Email * planbcambodia@gmail.com
Message *
Do you realise i still have all of the pictures you sent me. All the emails…. every confession and revelation.

I dont publish them only out of compassion.

You are wrong about me .. but I doubt you will ever understand that …

10/10 (bringing out his fake degrees)
Name * Gregory Blake bsc(hons)MFA pHd
Email * planbcambodia@gmail.com
Message *
Regardless of all that I miss you. Sweet , beautiful naive thing …
10/26 (the time he forgot how to spell his own name while threatening a friend of mine)
Name * Greg Bake
Email * planbcambodia@gmail.com
Message *
God I miss you so much. Have sent a freind of mine to talk to bryces family. X

Name * Gregory Blake bsc (hons) MFA pHD
Email * planbcambodia@gmail.com
Message *

It is incredible that someone who maintains they are so smart could start a war that would only harm them and those they care about..

You are wrong about all this.

Do you have to create a situation where truth is disgarded and “collateral damage” is assured.

Name * Allan Caufield
Email * planbcambodia@gmail.com
Message *
I miss you. That is all.


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