Tag Archives: Cambodian property services international

Looks like word is spreading

I hope so.


This guy’s a conman. Don’t do business with him, or with Evi. They have stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from investors, moving from country to country in Southeast Asia. They’re in Cambodia now, in Kampong Cham.


Re: GMB, the police may be looking for you
Postby GregoryMichaelBlake » Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:20 pm

Now that I have had to commit to coming on my motorbike all the way to PP it seems that I have to deal with some issues before I get completely drunk pass out in a pool of vomit. I have surveyed my few friends here and they seem divided on the appropriate response to all this bullshit. One school of thought (my ex golfing partners from Swan Island) think that the appropriate course of action is to gouge one of your eyes out and skull fuck you. When you are suitably complaint bury you in the sand and dig you up after the flesh has rotted away so I can use your skulls as drinking vessels at a dinner party (people should be precise when they use acronyms because the omission of a single letter can result in serious misunderstandings). The other school of thought is that I should ignore you because you are a bunch of wankers who no one takes seriously.

Regardless of that I would like to offer the following melody as a way to quiet my frantic heart.



Greg and Evi have a new business!

To use to defraud people, undoubtedly.


It looks like Greg’s keeping his name off it, perhaps because his scams are starting to catch up with him. I wouldn’t bet that they actually have the rights to do much of anything that they claim they can on the site.

This guy’s a conman. Don’t do business with him, or with Evi. They have stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from investors, moving from country to country in Southeast Asia. They’re in Cambodia now, in Kampong Cham, pretending to run a security or property rental service. They’ve already ripped off business partners there. Don’t become one of them.

If he really likes you, he’ll tell you he changed his name because of his SAS background, and his real name is “Caulfield”

Here’s Greg using a variety of different names to harass me through a professional website:

Name * Allan Caufield
Email * planbcambodia@gmail.com
Message *
Do you realise i still have all of the pictures you sent me. All the emails…. every confession and revelation.

I dont publish them only out of compassion.

You are wrong about me .. but I doubt you will ever understand that …

10/10 (bringing out his fake degrees)
Name * Gregory Blake bsc(hons)MFA pHd
Email * planbcambodia@gmail.com
Message *
Regardless of all that I miss you. Sweet , beautiful naive thing …
10/26 (the time he forgot how to spell his own name while threatening a friend of mine)
Name * Greg Bake
Email * planbcambodia@gmail.com
Message *
God I miss you so much. Have sent a freind of mine to talk to bryces family. X

Name * Gregory Blake bsc (hons) MFA pHD
Email * planbcambodia@gmail.com
Message *

It is incredible that someone who maintains they are so smart could start a war that would only harm them and those they care about..

You are wrong about all this.

Do you have to create a situation where truth is disgarded and “collateral damage” is assured.

Name * Allan Caufield
Email * planbcambodia@gmail.com
Message *
I miss you. That is all.


Terms of endearment

“BTW when will you be back ? I really would like to see you. I really do miss you …” June 15.

“Love you.” June 17.

“It must be terrible to live such a shallow and pointless life defined
only by your need for self fulfillment. A sad pathethic thing.
Please try to protect those you love from the consequences of your
actions. You have failed to do so. To starve yourself to seek
attention. … Is to try to bring meaning to your life at the cost of the suffering of others.
Its up to you to decide if you want to pursue this engabement with
self indulgence. Dont lie to yourself.” June 25.

“I am so lonely without you.” June 27.

“Actually i am just bored with this whole compassion thing. What you
are doing and have done is just a consequence of your desperate need
for some sort of resolution of the profound insecurities tgat haunt
you. Tomorrow morning i will sit on the beach and extend my truth to
everyone you know. What does not kill you makes you stronger. Sorry my
patience and the patience of anyone who has a vested interest in the
denial of your foolishness is exhausted. Spoiled little rich girl…” June 30.

I debated whether these were worth posting, as they’re mostly personal. But I’d like to prevent anyone else from being personally defrauded, so to speak, as well as robbed of their money. I didn’t lose money to Greg, just lots of personal stuff — and time. And that’s bad enough. So, to anyone who he is working on right now, calling and praising and confiding in, this is the kind of love you’re in for. Please don’t waste your time.

Favourite topics

In February, out of the blue, I got an email from Greg asking if I was pleased with myself for (in some fashion left, sadly, undescribed) destroying a secret action against human trafficking.

This is not true, of course: not true that I magicked it all the hell and not true that it existed in the first place. (And before you think, “well, maybe… ” —  no. It isn’t. This is an example of the kind of lie he makes up to make you feel guilty and stupid and responsible and cowed, because that’s how he wants you to be.)

He wrote:

“one dead .. one in prison ..  i hope you are proud of the consequences
of your actions.. the route for the export of young women to the US
from lao is open and will continue to function .. fantastic …”

As usual, he doesn’t say anything about what I actually did or could have done to disrupt this grand action. Just that the usual culprit, my “fear,” was enough to gum up the works. My fear has ended up being responsible for a lot of notable events over the past two years, according to Greg. Quite a powerful figure, this fear, able to stop bank transfers with a single tendril; able to smash international coalitions with a breath.

I remember, back when I used to believe him, asking how, how, how this had all happened and what I could have had to do with it, given that  I spent most of my time alone in hotel rooms, telling little white lies to people who were concerned about me. He never had a real response. He just made me feel shitty for not “understanding.”

“.. get on your knees and apiloguse to the
families of the young women whose lives you have ruined with your
fears and pathetic insecurities … you have no idea what you have
done .. the only comfort i take from this is that you will never be
truely free ..”

And an insult at the end. Imagine wanting to make someone feel responsible for something like this — someone who, hours or days before and after, you’ll also claim to love.

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