Tag Archives: Security

This one was just too good to let pass:

July 8
“Ha… lets be facebook friends .. lets try to fill the emptiness of
our souls with meaningless blandishments.. lets engage in oral sexs in
the search of the meaning of life ..ha … just undulge me .. ha”

Just undulge me, indeed. I’m not sure what’s more meaningless than creating a whole backstory to try to impress people into giving money, sex and affection to some sad fiction, or what would ultimately be more empty — to someone with any empathy or any kind of conscience. Lacking either of those qualities, I guess it would be pretty fun.

I also found this, July 12:
“I suppose the difference between our societies is that we could
inagine a siciety not ruled by fear…”

Remember Donnie Darko? The fear and love business always reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqAJ5W2wQH4

And I guess this fearless society he’s referring to is the one who voted in Tony Abbott. There’s a chuckle.