Tag Archives: fraud

Greg and Evi have a new business!

To use to defraud people, undoubtedly.


It looks like Greg’s keeping his name off it, perhaps because his scams are starting to catch up with him. I wouldn’t bet that they actually have the rights to do much of anything that they claim they can on the site.

This guy’s a conman. Don’t do business with him, or with Evi. They have stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from investors, moving from country to country in Southeast Asia. They’re in Cambodia now, in Kampong Cham, pretending to run a security or property rental service. They’ve already ripped off business partners there. Don’t become one of them.

What to expect if you decide to do business with Greg and Evi

Greg and Evi thought they’d scam the Buddhist community in Luang Prabang, taking $18,000 to do construction work for them and trying to leave the country without finishing (or mostly even starting) it. Frauds.

Click to access b5a83cae58.pdf

This one was just too good to let pass:

July 8
“Ha… lets be facebook friends .. lets try to fill the emptiness of
our souls with meaningless blandishments.. lets engage in oral sexs in
the search of the meaning of life ..ha … just undulge me .. ha”

Just undulge me, indeed. I’m not sure what’s more meaningless than creating a whole backstory to try to impress people into giving money, sex and affection to some sad fiction, or what would ultimately be more empty — to someone with any empathy or any kind of conscience. Lacking either of those qualities, I guess it would be pretty fun.

I also found this, July 12:
“I suppose the difference between our societies is that we could
inagine a siciety not ruled by fear…”

Remember Donnie Darko? The fear and love business always reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqAJ5W2wQH4

And I guess this fearless society he’s referring to is the one who voted in Tony Abbott. There’s a chuckle.

I know, I know.

This probably seems quite shrill. It’s very Say Anything–I keep humming the

song when I start to write here. It probably seems stupid, if you haven’t lost years of your life, or talked to people who have lost more, and really, really wished there had been a way around it.

I don’t care what Greg does, or Evi, or how they live or where or anything else. I’m not interested. But I am interested in doing what I can to prevent this from happening to someone else. So look, if you’ve met this guy, if he’s being kind and charming to you and it seems like exactly what you need because, secretly, you could use a friend, especially one who texts you every day just to tell you that you’re wonderful, who’s helpful exactly when you need it, who is generous and seems to want nothing more than your company, who seems full of the best ideas and just on the brink of success and so excited to have you be part of it–just please, keep your eyes open. Notice that nothing goes right. Notice the ratio of promises kept to those broken. Just notice how time rolls on and nothing happens. He’ll collect deposits. Maybe they’ll build a few crappy versions of whatever they’re selling, slowly, over time…and in a few years, they’ll try to sneak away again.

Just don’t buy into it. History says you’ll end up with nothing. I’m just trying to help here.