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Here’s Greg, threatening me with exposure if I don’t shut the blog down:

The trouble with publically published accusations is that they can be
answered. Whatyou have done is foolish. We all have secrets that we
do not want shared and this medium is open to all of us. Take it down
or the response will be as revealing as you imagine you effort has
been although most of what you say is un true.

I really dont care about the personal attacks. I do however care
about the fact that the work we have been doing with human trafficing
is potentially harmed by what you are doing. If you want to get
involved in an internet slanging match that is your choise but please
do not extend this foolishness to effect others.

You dont understand do you..that I dont care. That what i care about
are the girls and the trees that are still standing upright… those i
really care about understand that..i cared about you… butbyou
betrayed me..i miss you

I have handed the issue of the blog to my friend to deal with. He
will be in contact in the next few days.

I miss you …

I have no choise an anonomous attack on my reputation snd character
must be answered. This is a stratagy that can only end in tears.
Pride and an unfounded belief in an absence of consequences can only
result in an extreame response. This is not a court of law where rules
apply. This is a situation where unconsidered and naive actions deny
any engagement with principle.

Please forgive the directness and the necesity of my actions but I am
forced to this reality.

A shot gun is an in accurate but brutally effective weapon…

Five days to deadline

Three days until deadline

Two days…

Please di not make me do this thing.. if I was as undisciplined as you
then I woukd have already have responded in kind. There is no “face”
to be saved by adhering to your naive preconceptions. Its up to you

Actually i am just bored with this whole compassion thing. What you
are doing and have done is just a consequence of your desperate need
for some sort of resolution of the profound insecurities tgat haunt
you. Tomorrow morning i will sit on the beach and extend my truth to
everyone you know. What does not kill you makes you stronger. Sorry my
patience and the patience of anyone who has a vested interest in the
denial of your foolishness is exhausted. Spoiled little rich girl…

Well todays the day. Please as I request and prevent me from having to
fo this thjng.

I sat today with my finger poised above the send button on the email
that I told you about. In the end I could not do it. Only because I
could not stoop to your level of personal attack. Please take the site
down. You are not harming me … i have been sending what little money
i have to phet over the last few weeks .. you are worse than a lier ..
you are deluded and dangerous..please cinsider the consequences of
your actions ..

Dont be a fool. Your whole life is a lie. The difference between you
and I is that you lie to yourself.

Please do not ignore this.

 Once again I wpke up this morning thinking this should be the day that
I sit in front of my computer and retaliate for the things you are
doing. Write to your family. Put up yhe blogs .. but I just cant bring
myself to do it. How does it feel to know that your reputation depends
on my compassion. I gives me a lot of pleasure to know that I will not
stoop to this
… but maybe one day when I have had a few to many drinks with my
friends they will convince me to fo so .

Its up to you. You can continue this discussion either on a public or
a private forum. I just do want to stoop to this kind of propagabda.

And in the end it does not matter. Please consider why you are doing yhis.

I still cannot bring myslf to do it

well tomorrow I have top send it. i don’t want to but you give me no choise.

Ha .. it is such a corrosive bitter thing that you are engaged
you lay awake at night thinking about this? Do you think that anyone
you imagine you are harming does so. I know I dont and I doubt anyone
else does. As i said before. We will be judged by the balance of our
actions not by our failings. It must burden your soul.. but I suppose
in the context of a life spent in the pursuit of the fulfilment of
self indulgent need it is only a small insult to the gift that is your
life. It is self denial to judge others when you have indulged in
infanticide and self starvation in a quest for attention.

I pity you. You have been led to this self destructive bleating by
your own missconceptions. Why dont you give it up and seek the

Sweet dreams ..

Then it peters out to “I miss having dinner with you at the Amman” and “I put the blog on the projector tonight and the guys bought me a round of drinks.”

Real scary, this guy.

Greg really likes to write letters

Aw, on the K440 thread, I see Greg’s threatening to go to the authorities, and send lots of scary letters to the people we don’t want to share our secrets with. Here’s an excerpt from his post ( on the forum defending himself. Below are a few from 19 months or so ago. Threatening to write letters is fun!

8/28/15: 3. So.. As you said I remain calm in a time of crisis so this is what I am going to do with absolute focus. The issue I see here is that the people who habitually troll people on this forum remain anonymous and can sling mud from the shadows. They can destroy the lives of people who are more vulnerable to this sort of cowardly attack than I am. So I think it is time to remove the cloak of invisibility and this is what I am going to do. I am in the process of setting up a security business here that will potentially employ about 100 people in a province that desperately needs employment. We are well advanced in this process and hope to start operations in the new year. To do so I have as I mentioned previously I have had several meetings with Mr. Man Sman (I provided his email previously) who is the director of the relevant department within the Ministry of the Interior (what is alternatively called the Ministry for internal affairs). I have established a good relationship with him and we are working well together. He and his department have now done a thorough examination of my background to determine if I am a fit person to hold a licensee to operate a security firm in Cambodia. I am composing a letter to him (copy to the Office of the Prime Minister) informing him that this forum contains misleading information that could prejudice the establishment of the business and also that accuses officers of the Royal Government of Cambodia of corruption and incompetence. I will include printed out sections of this and other discussions to that effect. In this letter I will suggest that this forum is actively deriding the professionalism and ethics of the Royal Government of Cambodia. I will also write an opinion piece to the national dailies including extracts from the letters and also selectively from this forum and submit it to them for publication in Khmer so that the people of Cambodia are also made aware of the cowardly methods that people use to entertain themselves on this forum. Considering the sensitivity of the current government to criticism I suspect that your protective wall of secrecy will be rapidly torn down and your own actions, process and exposed to critical evaluation. I will actively pursue this course of action with my colleagues in government. As you note I am not prone to displays of anger but I am relentless and determined when I but my mind to something. Please be advised that those who seek to deride me without cause will find themselves with a persistent and implacable enemy who will never give up on this. Once again calmly and with absolute politeness. I will follow this up by asking for a full inquiry into the activities of these “trolls” and if necessary I will fund it. I have also instructed my 2IC that he should inform those military and police personnel who have lodged application for employment with us that the actions of several contributors to this forum are prejudicing the possibility of their future employment. When the identity of these trolls is revealed I will make everyone concerned aware of their identity. I will do all this calmly and without resorting to derision or abuse so when the contents of this forum become public (which I will make sure it does) I will be seen for what I am. Someone defending his reputation against slander and abuse. I will commence this process next week after I receive my academic transcript and it is posted. I have already printed out about 35 pages from this and other parts of this forum so blocking my access will not change my intention. The only thing that will do so is a complete and contrite retraction of any unfounded accusations and claims.I will not broke any discussion of what unfounded implies. In this context it means: without actual proof. So I would counsel the people who use this forum as a legitimate medium for communication to muzzle the more rabid of your contributors so that they do not bring disrepute to those who use this forum legitimately.

And the threats he made to me over email, copies of letters he was about to send to “expose” people he thought threatened him:

First, about a man he ended up swindling in LP:


Dear Dr. Kapelli,

I write to you to inform you that in disregard of the Swiss Governments commitment to ethical practice that a citizen of the Swiss republic is participating in corrupt and unethical behaviour in the Lao. This activity include bribing local officials , defrauding citizens of Switzerland and other European nation. This fraud is related to the sale of land which has no clear title or which has been secured by the illegal displacement of local people who are the traditional owners of the land in question.

Please feel free to contact me so I can verify these claims.  If I do not hear from you in this calender month then I will be forced to make direct representations to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Switzerland.

Kindest regards

Greg Blake

And another one, about an organisation a friend of mine worked for:


Dear Ambassador Clune,

I write to you in regard to the activities of the organisation known as XXX that your Embassy has supported in The Lao PDR.

I have, over the last two years amassed significant evidence that this organisation has acted outside the law of the Lao PDR and has also participated in corrupt and unethical behaviour. I also have have both photographic and documentary evidence to support these allegations.

I have provided copies of this information to both the Lao Department of Foreign affairs and the Australian Embassy and also the US Internal Revenue Service.

Please assist me in addressing the insult that this activity presents to the people of the Lao PDR. This is particularly relevant as your Embassy has supported the activities of XXX.

It is clear from the documentation that I have in my possession that this organisation is in breach of its obligations in relation to the requirement to 501 (c). Not only is their status as a tax deductible organisation invalid requiring the Fedaral Governent to revoke any benifit from donors to the organisation, but also seek compensation from them in realtion to the tax relief they have recieved.   But also that the directors and managers,  past and present,  of this organisation are culpible for breaches of both the law of the Lao PDR but also US Federal legislation.
Please contact me as soon as possible to dicuss this matter and save us all the embarassment of taking this issue to the media.

Kind regards

Greg Blake

Oh, this was a good one

“one dead .. one in prison .. i hope you are proud of the consequences
of your actions.. the route for the export of young women to the US
from lao is open and will continue to function .. fantastic … i hope
you and you new friends are happy with the fact you have identified
who is the villan here .. i am deeply ashamed of my role .. ha .. i
hope while you are sitting in sami’s bar you are reveling in your
success .. why dont you walk around the corner and give lisa a hug
from me .. i am shocked by the fact that i thought you coukd ever
understand the complexities of the
situstion you chose to be a part of it was a serious missjudgement on
my behalf .. you disgust me .. i am sorry i ever believed and trusted
you .. you are a dangerous fool. the shallowness of you
intrerpretation of your situation beggers my imagination ..sleep well
in your naive sel richousness..enjoy you holidays with your
family..give the child who will never know his father a kiss from me
.. i really hope you are comfortable with your actions… i loved you
and trusted you and it has cost so much not for me but for others that
that thankfully you will never meet.. please do not do this to anyone
else.. this is not a game .. get on your knees and apiloguse to the
families of the young women whose lives you have ruined with your
fears and pathetic insecurities … you have no idea what you have
done .. the only comfort i take from this is that you will never be
truely free ..”

Ah yes. It had gone from him being imprisoned for his past “environmental terrorism” to him being trapped because of his SAS past and some shady ex of mine, to — oh, he was gone and lying all the time because he was involved in a super-secret sting to uncover a sex trafficking route!


Wading online

Hey, you can see lots more of Greg and Evi online:

How lucky for all of us! Ha ha. Anyway, hey, now there are more outlets for the lies they’re selling. Again, all I’m counseling is caution. Well, extreme caution. Actually, I’d counsel total avoidance, but I know people like to figure things out for themselves, so all I want to urge y’all is to figure hard, think hard, don’t settle for anything without proof and just don’t trust a word either of them say. You can hide a lot of truly horrible things by mixing in some good.

Ha. Lookee here. Here he is:

And it looks like he’s got his own blog, too, with the usual fictions. Heh. Listen, all I want to do is invite any of you nice folks who encounter this guy to check out what he says to you. Check for his Ph.D. Check out whether he is in fact working for half the places he says he is. Check to see if his projects are, in fact, finished. Contact the Buddhist Heritage Fund in Luang Prabang, perhaps, if you want to know what it’s like to work with him. Or the Luang Prabang Agricultural College, or anyone in that town. Just check. That’s all.

More threats and intimidation

Just so you know the kind of ongoing (but, happily, largely empty) threats you’re likely to get from Greg if he doesn’t get his way.

July 20th:
“Ha .. evis dad says he is going to have the picture of her that you
put in your blog tattooed on your arse in a big love heart …”

“Personally i would think that would be the desecration of a work if
art but ..hay .. i suppose thats what happens when you fuck with the
polish mafia ..”

I suspect Evi’s dad, who I’m pretty sure Greg has never met, wouldn’t appreciate being called the Polish mafia.